read:It consists of 15 shopping malls located between Shinjuku and the two countries, Higashi Hiroi Keiyo Road, between Meguro Dori and Chuo Road, with large buildings in the center of the street lining up on both sides of the street Although it is an urban landscape, there are also many features, "old book shop street" centered on the Jimbocho neighborhood, "sports, musical instrument city" centered around the Kanda neighborhood, Suda cho neighborhood has many famous stores " City "and so on.
History is old, and among the merchants who are affiliated, there are old-fashioned stores such as unusual hundred years.
There are a lot of old-fashioned shops rooted in the local area, so you can enjoy enough even if you stop by, so please do not hesitate to drop in.


(日本語) 第19回神田小川町雪だるまフェア


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古書のエリア 音楽とスポーツのエリア こだわりの食のエリア 九段下さくら会 北神実業会 南神実業会 通神商栄会 神二睦会 グリューネ・アレー商店会 福興会 駿河台G・アレー商店会 まえだれ会 表商会 小川町商光会 幸徳会 須田町北部商店会 須田町親交会 一栄会